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Members of the various congregations of priests, brothers and sisters of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe on 12 February, converged at the Monastery of the Poor Clares and Maula Cathedral to celebrate the Day of Consecrated Life. Traditionally, the event is celebrated on 2nd February, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Particular churches have the liberty to shift the day to suit their programmes.

The Archdiocese of Lilongwe celebrated this Day on 12th February. The function started with a talk by Rev. Fr. Henry Chinkanda from the Episcopal Conference of Malawi. Fr. Chinkanda took members through the Synod document, reminding the gathering the content of the document. He summarised the document for the people in that it invites all the faithful to walk together, to journey together. And as servants of God, we share the threefold mission of Christ, and that is: teaching mission, prophetic or priestly mission and kingly mission. Fr. Chinkanda emphasised the themes of the Synod, which include, participation, dialogue and mission among other.

Finally, he outlined the calendar of activities during the two years of the Synod:

  • In December 2022, all Small Christian Communities should summit the Synod document responses to the Arch/dioceses
  • In May 2023, the responses should be compiled and submitted to the Episcopal Conference of Malawi
  • In July, 2023, Episcopal Conference of Malawi should submit all the responses from all the Arch/dioceses to the AMECEA office.

The event was concluded by the Holy Mass presided over by his Grace Archbishop George Tambala. He talked on communion, and suggested another day of meeting other than one day in a year.