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The Archdiocesan Clergy of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe from 1 June to 4th June 2021 had a successful session in Mangochi where, among others they were grilled on resource mobilisation, with Fr. Henry Zulu, management and accountability, with Fr. Gerald Kubetcha Mumba. The clergy also reflected on the life of St. Joseph in this year of St. Joseph, with Fr. Frank Chingale.

The session was conducted at the St. Montfort House in Mangochi. During the session, it was established that many parishes in the Archdiocese collect resources from First fruits (Masika),  Tithe (Mtulo), and Daily/Sunday Collections (Za m’mbale). Some of the resources come in the form of donations, selling of materials and special collections, or Paper Sundays.

The issue dwelt much on how these resources are managed and accounted for. Mostly, it is easier to collect money and other materials from the faithful, the challenge is how to make good and profitable use of them. Good management and accountability is a motivation for the faithful to give more; this fact is neglected, but it counts the more.

The men in collar were also assisted to reflect on the shadow life of St. Joseph, the husband of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Fr. Frank Chingale, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Mangochi led the session in which he reminded the clergy of the seven characteristics of St. Joseph, worthy emulating;

  1. he was the caring father
  2. he was the loving father
  3. he was the creatively courageous father
  4. he was the father in the shadows
  5. he was the serving father
  6. he was the accepting father and
  7. he was the working father

Finally, the priests were reminded of their canonical rights and obligations. The session was concluded with the Holy Mass led by Fr. Samson Kumkumbira.

Fr. Henry Zulu, Vice Chair of the group facilitating on resource mobilisation


session in progress

Part of the Clergy following the session attentively

Fr. Frank Chingale, facilitating on St. Joseph


Clergy in the session


Clergy at Mass