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Bishop Mwakhwawa Confirms Hundreds in Salima

  • 1 September 2024

On Sat 31 August 2024, Bishop Vincent Mwakhwawa, Auxiliary Bishop of Lilongwe has confirmed 662 young people and adults at Salima Our Lady of Fatima Parish. The parish stayed for some few years without confirmation, hence a large number of candidates.

In his homily Bishop Vincent reminded the candidates about the role of Holy Spirit in the Church and in the individual life of a Christian. He guided them that sacrament of confirmation with empower them to serve in the Church and social as young missionaries in proclaiming the good news of salvation with courage, conviction and commitment.

He also guided the candidates that Church expects them to fulfill their Missionary obligations carrying out some four practical pastoral activities:
1. Praying every day in private (as individuals) and in the community especially the Eucharistic celebration: specifically to love the Eucharist.
2. Teaching others the word of God and Church teachings. In order to do that they need to continue learning the catechism of the Catholic Church and read the bible in their groups.
3. Doing manual work at their level as a service to Christ at Parish, home and school. They need to visit the sick and the old in homes and assist them.
4. Contributing money generously to the Church and support their need in a spirit of Missionary charity.

The Bishop also advised parents to encourage their children to attend post-confirmation lessons. The Bishop caution parents and leaders who tell children that after confirmation means young people have finished Catholic formation. He reminded parents and leaders that Catholic formation does not stop, even adults have to continue learning the Catholic faith in families and small Christian communities.