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Mrs Lazaro presenting on family budget – Msamba Pastoral Centre


A cross section of the clergy and religious attentively following the discussions – Msamba Pastoral Centre


Synod Chair presenting on Synod issues – Msamba Pastoral Centre


Mr. and Mrs Maxwell presenting on Family Apostolate – Msamba Pastoral Centre


Mr. Alfred Ngalande, Financial Administrator for the Archdiocese presenting the Synod budget – Msamba Pastoral Centre


Fr. Louis Chikanya, 23 August, 2022

Clergy and religious in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe on 23 August, 2022 converged at Msamba Pastoral Centre to discuss pastoral issues among which are the synod issues.  In his opening remarks, Archbishop Tambala said the meeting was important as it will help in moving together.

The Pastoral Coordinator and the Synod Chair presented to the Presbyterium the outcome of the synodal process of collecting ideas from deaneries. Some of the thematic issues for the synod that came out include:

  1. Family Apostolate
  2. Youth Apostolate
  3. The Church and Culture
  4. Dialogue with other churches
  5. Permanent deacons
  6. Care of the environment

In the meeting some family couples were invited to present on family apostolate; responsible parenthood, challenges in families, marriage preparation, and family budget. Families of Mr. and Mrs Lazaro and Mr. and Mrs Maxwell presented on the family apostolate.

In his final remarks, the Archbishop emphasized that the issue of family should cut across all the issues because family is critical. Families make the foundation of the Church as well as the nation. “If families go down, all of us go down,” he concluded.