Promoting Education for Sustainable Development

Since 2008, the Archdiocese of Lilongwe has been collaborating with the Danish Outdoor Council (DOC) and Danish Hunters Association in implementing the Eco-School concept in Malawi.

Although the Eco-Schools Programme Malawi is under the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, its mission goes beyond the institutional Church boundaries and is non-political, non-ethnic and non-religious in its work.


To promote active citizenship and improved livelihoods through education for sustainable development. This is achieved through capacity building, action-based learning and advocating for the integration of the Eco-Schools concept in national education policies.


The programme has so far reached 185 primary schools in Malawi; 120 schools in Salima district, 55 schools in Lilongwe district, five schools in Mangochi and 5 Schools in Thyolo district with 23 model schools in Salima, 12 model schools in Lilongwe, 1 in Mangochi and Thyolo districts.

The model schools serve as learning centres for teachers, learners, community members and other schools.


Eco-Schools Best Practices

The most striking and essential changes that have taken place through the adoption of the Eco-Schools approach are as follows: Poultry, piggery and rabbitry farming in schools and communities

Eco-codes in schools have improved the surrounding environment

Schools adopting different forms of protecting planted trees

Installation of solar power is helping learners to conduct their evening studies

Community adoption of natural and environmentally-friendly fertilizers

Positive attitude, behaviour change and improved performance among learners in Eco-schools.