
Priests' Congregations

  1. Diocesan priests
  2. Missionaries of Africa
  3. Carmelites
  4. The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
  5. Comboni Missionaries
  6. Salesians of Don Bosco
  7. Patrick’s
  8. Franciscans, OFM
  9. Cappuchins
  10. Society of St. Paul (Benga)
  11. Missionaries of St. Paul (Kalembe)
  12. Pallotines (Kaphatika)
  13. Society of Mary – Marianist (Chaminade)

Sisters' Congreagations

  1. Poor Clares (Cloistered)
  2. Sisters of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus
  3. Sisters of Charity of Ottawa
  4. Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (MSOLA)
  5. Sisters of St. John the Baptist (Baptistine sisters)
  6. Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SBVM)
  7. Missionary Sisters of the Assumption
  8. Little Servants Of Mary Immaculate (Blue Nuns)
  9. Sisters of the Holy Rosary (Catholic Secretariat)
  10. Missionaries Of Charity (Kawale)
  11. Missionary Sisters Of Immaculate Conception (Mic)
  12. Medical Missionaries Of Mary
  13. Missionaries Of Mary Mediatrix
  14. Franciscan Missionary Sisters Of Assisi (Nathenje And Likuni Hospital)
  15. Franciscan Sisters
  16. Daughters Of St. Paul
  17. The Society Of Daughters Of Mary Immaculate And Collaborators (DMI)
  18. Congregation Of Mother Of Carmel
  19. Carmelite Sisters
  20. Carmelite Missionaries
  21. Canossian Daughters Of Charity

Brothers' Congregations

  1. Marist Brothers (Likuni)
  2. John of God hospitalers (area 43)
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